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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Simple Things

Brandon came home today and showed me a blog post that belonged to one of his best friends. I absolutely LOVED it. And, if you know anything about me... I LOVE a lot of things. They can be as simple as my Hydrangea blooming or a chocolate kiss from my husband. I try to focus  on little things to LOVE throughout the day. I even add them to my calendar, so they are always there for me to remember. I connected so much with her blog post. And, the simplicity of the things she found in life to satisfy her. As always, he encouraged me to start my own. I think it will be a good way to express all of these crazy feelings I have had lately. I hope you will join me in appreciating the little things in life and sometimes the big, like having a great family to support you. 



  1. Jade, I am so happy that you started this blog, girl.
    Can't wait to keep up with you through here... :)

  2. Awesome! This is the first day I saw your blog. I have been tossing around starting one, too, but haven't ever done it. I felt like it would be good therapy in dealing with the issue of having a child with a rare disease and/or some of the adoption issues on my mind. As usual, you are an inspiration :)
