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Monday, April 8, 2013

What's a girl to do?

 I've been battling an illness going on two weeks now. I know I've told you before, but when I get a sinus infection or a cold, it just takes me longer than the average Joe to get over it. Well, the infection moved into my jaw. It's not cute! And, it hurts! Soooooo, this morning I get up and it's more illness.

My "TO DO" lists is shot.

 I look over it again and pick out the essentials :

 1) Wash the soccer socks that I so carefully asked my children to put ALL of their uniforms together when we got to Atlanta. One pair of socks caused a mental breakdown in the la mansion Britton this morning. Whew.  ( DONE!)

2) Study to show thyself approved. (DONE!) 
Equipped with my Bible, my prayer book, my journal and my favorite bible class book, I got this covered. Isn't my journal SUPER CUTE?! Kase bought it for me. I love it.

3) Go to post office to mail taxes.......... I'll get there. 

                                                        4) Write a letter.

This is a lost art I refuse to give up. 

5) Make myself feel better! 
Who could not get better after having tea in this cute thing? It's a gift from Emily, Olivia and Abby. Makes my day just looking at it! I love it and those girls! 

Well, that completes my TO DO list today. Everything else I had on there will have to be moved to 
tomorrow. Hopefully by tonight I will feel like going to the soccer game. I will be there even if  I don't feel like it! It's what I do. 


Sunday, April 7, 2013

A Little Piece Of My Heart

 There are many people in life that are obsessed with cars. They look for them to purchase, they work on them, they talk about them, they dream about them! Their life revolves around cars. I'm just not one of those people. I've never placed emphasis on a vehicle. I mean, come on, I drive a Mom van. Ewwwww!!!!!!

 But, it's paid for and when I got it, I needed room for seven people in a vehicle. It was the most amazing car ever in my eyes. It was perfect. Everything automatic, clean, new smelling and all the bells and whistles. I thought it was something!

 Well, my first car was nothing like that.. It wasn't expensive. It wasn't luxury. In fact it was considered Antique! It had that old car smell and dust still in it from the 60's I know! You had to manually roll down the windows. I even ran out of gas a few times before I realized that the gauge was broken. It was a 1965 Volkswagon Beetle, or better known as the Bug!

  It was my DREAM car. It was electric blue. (I wanted to paint it purple, but somebody wouldn't let me!) You could hear me coming from a mile away. I blared Janice Joplin, Lenny Kravitz and Tori Amos from the speakers constantly, while screaming every word from the top of my lungs. I carried all of my friends everywhere they wanted to go. It was awesome!

I loved that car.

It was me.

It fit my personality.
Even the horn had a little sass in it!

 When my Dad sold it, a little piece of my heart went with it.  One of my best friend's would now be the owner of my car. I was devastated. Still am.

Even today,  I do not want a Denali. I do not want a Lamborghini. All I want is a BUG!

My style of music has changed, and my color preferance is no longer purple. But, it is and will always be my dream car. I do want an upgrade to a comvertible... Selfish, I know!

 I want the wind in my hair. I want you to hear me coming from a mile away because of my amazing singing!  I want to drive to Seaside with my flip flops and shades on. I want take another little piece of my heart with it. I want to make new memories.

 It will happen one day and I want you by my side all along the way!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

She is more than Beautiful

How many times do you tell her she is Beautiful? 

 This is something that I have struggled with for many years. Even though I know B loves me with every ounce of  love he has in  his heart, I still get embarrassed when he tells me, "You are beautiful."

 This week I was talking to a dear friend of mine. We were discussing the word "Beautiful." I tell her many times how great of a friend she is, how she makes me a stronger person, and how beautiful she is. When I say that she is beautiful I noticed that there was never a response. In fact, she always changed the subject. This began to become a challenge for me. I thought she did not have enough confidence in herself. I thought she was just like me. Little did I know, that was far from the truth.

This is her response to me asking the question, "Why can you not accept it when someone tells you that you are beautiful?" :

 " I know that when you say that I'm beautiful, that you really mean it and you're not talking about just physical. I really do appreciate that. I'm just not really comfortable with the word because I hate that so many girls put all of their effort into it and base their worth/status on being "beautiful". It's such a trivial thing, especially because we have no control over how God made us. That word and "pretty" have always, sort of, left a bad taste in my mouth. I do not want my worth to be defined by how I look. I'm more than that. I've put effort into being more than that." 


 My next statement to her was nothing but an apology. An " I'm sorry for not understanding." Of course then I started to question myself. "Why do I even question my beauty?" " Did my God not make me with the beauty that he desired me to have?" Gen. 1:27 . Sure, I have corrupted it with MY acts of over eating and lack of exercise. But, he made me what I ought to be.

 Little did I know that I was going to learn a valuable lesson about myself. All of these years of not liking my outer beauty was lacking the trust I had in my Father. I am blessed with a husband that has loved me no matter what my jean size was. I am beautiful. I'm beautiful because I am me. I am me because I fear God. I trust that he made me how I ought to be.

 I also have worked hard at being "more". I work everyday to be more Christ like, more of a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend.

I hope that when you read this you will also strive to be more

Be the YOU that God made! And, LOVE it.