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Monday, April 8, 2013

What's a girl to do?

 I've been battling an illness going on two weeks now. I know I've told you before, but when I get a sinus infection or a cold, it just takes me longer than the average Joe to get over it. Well, the infection moved into my jaw. It's not cute! And, it hurts! Soooooo, this morning I get up and it's more illness.

My "TO DO" lists is shot.

 I look over it again and pick out the essentials :

 1) Wash the soccer socks that I so carefully asked my children to put ALL of their uniforms together when we got to Atlanta. One pair of socks caused a mental breakdown in the la mansion Britton this morning. Whew.  ( DONE!)

2) Study to show thyself approved. (DONE!) 
Equipped with my Bible, my prayer book, my journal and my favorite bible class book, I got this covered. Isn't my journal SUPER CUTE?! Kase bought it for me. I love it.

3) Go to post office to mail taxes.......... I'll get there. 

                                                        4) Write a letter.

This is a lost art I refuse to give up. 

5) Make myself feel better! 
Who could not get better after having tea in this cute thing? It's a gift from Emily, Olivia and Abby. Makes my day just looking at it! I love it and those girls! 

Well, that completes my TO DO list today. Everything else I had on there will have to be moved to 
tomorrow. Hopefully by tonight I will feel like going to the soccer game. I will be there even if  I don't feel like it! It's what I do. 


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