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Friday, July 29, 2011

Just Me!

Now let me start by saying....

I AM a thinker!
I AM a list maker!
I AM an organizer!

 I love all of these things about me in small doses. But, sometimes I...... well, OVERDO them! The past few weeks a lot has happened in the Britton household. If you know much about me, you know I don't share much of my life with others. I mean, real stuff. Yes, I post on face book about all that we do and all that I LOVE. But, I don't speak out when I want to. I don't stand up when I need to. I second guess every word that I say and every word that I hear.

 Well, I have felt like I was going to BLOW UP this week. I would just look at Brandon and say, "I don't know what to do next?"

 I finally called a friend, which I never do, and told all. It was liberating! I told her that I had so much going on that I felt I needed a list to keep up with all of it. It wasn't a list of things to do, people to see,or places to go; that I would normally make. But, I needed a list to keep my thoughts in order. A list to concentrate and process what I was thinking about before I went on to the next thought.

 I HAD to take control of my wandering mind before it took control of me. I'm learning new things about myself these days. I feel FREE when I share my thoughts. I am learning to have faith in others when I need to talk. I am moving on. I don't need the approval of those around me that don't love me anyway. I don't have to please anyone but my Lord. He is the one that controls me and He is the one that I answer to. He is the one that loves me for being....... Just ME!

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