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Monday, January 12, 2015

It Ain't The Grey Hairs


 As I was sitting in the car, waiting on B at the Print Shop today, I noticed a grey hair peeking slightly out of the corner of my scalp. Of course, I intrictly separated the mousy color stands from around it and YANKED it out! ONE. TWO. THREE of them. I know what you are going to say,  I will have twice as many grow back. Well, so be it, next time I'll count to SIX!

 For some reason women have a hard time turning grey. I don't know why, for some people it is there last piece of youth they have, I guess. There is no shame in it. (Unless you are famous and have the tabloids tell the world of your ONE grey hair showing. Stop the press: Katie Holmes is 32 and has a grey hair! Fo real, let the girl grow up.)
She has ONE grey hair showing in this photo . ONE.

 I mean,  I have options here. I could just dye it the color it is destined to be....

                                               I mean, it is the thing to do these days.

  I don't think there would be much of a difference in how people saw me.....
See, it's perfecatly natural on ole Meg, right?

But, for men:
And, I don't know why, but I'll be the FIRST to confess that I think a little pepper looks pretty on a man's head.....
Sorry B.

 Now, while I can whine and cry about a few grey hairs in my head, it made me think about a lot of the issues I have in my life right now. I lost something very special to me a few weeks ago. It made me look over my life and see what I thought was ugly in me. Some things that I have been continually plucking at without facing the truth. I AM GETTING GREY HAIRS, that is the truth. I can pluck them, I can dye them. They are still grey. But, ugly in the heart isn't that easy. 

 I have been plucking and trying to cover up the things in me that were causing me to be a person that I do not like being. I was trying to NOT see the things in me that needed changing, but the grey was already showing. It was there, people were noticing, and it was ugly. 

 One good thing about sitting back and discovering your flaws of the heart is that you can decide if they are something that you want to change and you can decide if you want them to go away. You have that choice. 

 I have some work to do. Bettering yourself is not always easy and, neither is going grey.

But, grey does not make me a bad person. The three grey hairs I pulled from my head do not define who I am. They were surrounded by thousands of others that were the same as I have had all of my life. I was okay with them. They are only a sign of things changing. I can take ownership in them or I can fix them. For some reason, I was letting this flaw in my life define who I was,  I was making it seem like it was the only character trait I had. I hated who I was. I thought that there was no way that anyone could like me because I was so flawed.

 While dyeing your hair is a temporaray fix, trying to cover up things in your life are not. I  have to get help from others. I have to be honest with myself. One great thing that we do have about getting those grey hairs is that most of the time, they come with a little wisdom behind them.

 Wisdom that teaches us to say, okay, it's time to move on. Wisdom that teaches us that we will be okay. Wisdom that teaches us that even though there are a few "grey hairs" in our character, there is a way to change them.

 While your grey hairs are things that can be hid (if a person chooses to), your character is not.

There is some changing about to happen here. And, it ain't the grey hairs.

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