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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

imperfect me.

So here it is. 

Real Life ME. 

No make up. 

No enhancers. 

No filters. 

 I saw this card today while I was doing my amazing new Snapbooking and, I just started to ponder on those words. Real life. 

 In Facebook world I think we sometimes forget about real life. It's become a place to show off our new cars, how awesome our children are and how wonderful a mom we are. Well, I don't read too many post about getting up late on Sunday morning, screaming at the children, trying to get out the 
door. Everyone ill on the way to services. 

Then, BOOM. 

Pull up to the door and that smile goes on like its painted by "The Joker." 

 Well, you may be joking everyone around you, but your husband and children know what just happened. After services you get back into the car and everyone goes back in to unhappy mode. You've had that day. I've had many of them. 

 I sure didn't plaster that on my sweet little organized oh so cute Facebook page though. 

 Nope. I wouldn't want people to ever know that I had a bad day. That I was a "mean" Mom. That I made a MISTAKE. Forbid I tell the world that. 

 Well, dear Facebook world. 


Ask the Hubs.
Ask the kids.
Ask my Mom! (Yeah Mom went through a lot! I was a horrible kid.)Sorry Mom. Really, SORRY. 

 Let me stop and say this.  I'm so thankful to God that he made me realize how special I was and that I could be a better person than what I ever imagined possible. Not perfect, better. Believe me, my life was protected by Him many times. I'm very thankful for Christ's  love for me and him putting B in my life to help me see my life's worth. 

 Now, several years ago I realized that when I was more "real", it made people more comfortable with being who they are. They were more open to accepting Christ, because they felt that HE didn't need perfection from us. He needed repentance. Guess what, repentance sometimes takes time.

 When B came back to Christ, he had a "cussing notebook." He wrote down every time he said a cuss word. Everyday, that list got shorter and shorter until one day he didn't say any at all. Several people reminded him in this process that he had repented and they mocked and ridiculed him for it.

God knows a repentance heart. We don't. Do not kick a Christian when they are down. DO NOT. 

 We have this horrible, horrible misconception that we need to be "flawless" to be good Christians. You are only setting yourself up for failure it that is the case. You will always think you are not good enough. You will think you can't teach others about Christ because you are still trying to learn more about Him yourself. 

 Repeat after me. "I AM GOOD ENOUGH." 

 Repeat after me, "Others are going to judge me no matter what I do." 

Repeat after me, "Christ opinion of me matters. No body else's does." 

So, let's join in on this "real life" together and when you look at me,  don't pull out your little notebook to write down everything that is wrong about me. (I already know, but thanks!) Come get me, hold my hand, and help me get to that Promise Land that we are all striving for. 

 Because, if you know anything about me, you know that's how I feel about YOU.



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