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Friday, August 30, 2013

Brag A Little. Brag A Lot.

                                                               6 inches!!!!!!


   I know that it is rude to brag. My mom taught me better than that. Honestly, I think I need to
share this for the sake of myself today.


So, needless to say, I have felt a little gross about myself.

My numbers on the scale have not changed. In fact I have lost according to them. ( I don't watch the number on the scale too much.) TOO DEPRESSING!!! I do try to watch how my clothes are fitting though.

I have complained to B for a few weeks that I need to go to my trusty Goodwill  to find me another belt because this one was getting annoying.

So,  I finally got him to just poke another hole in it for me.  I know that's jank. (btw, my comp. does't understand my slang, it changed this to "bank' four times! Made me laugh! HE HE!!)

When B brought my belt back to me, I realized that there was a pretty good gap between the hole he had  punched and where I started wearing the belt.

So, I marked it and then measured it. YES IT'S GOING IN MY SMASHBOOK. It was just what I needed to remind me that I have worked hard for this and even though I feel junky physically right now, I have a right to be proud of what I have accomplished.

If you are struggling with NO THYROID like me and half of your days on life are filled with pain in your body, and you get mad about that, and feel sorry for yourself, and you eat to try to make yourself feel better, and then you just find yourself in this mad miserable circle in life.........

Know that there is hope.

Stop with your abuse to yourself.

Eat for nutrition, not comfort.

Go outside. Get some fresh air. Take your camera if you need to for motivation. You will find some happiness outside those doors,  I promise. God made some beautiful scenery in this world. And, when I see it, I tell myself he did it just for me but in reality, he made it for you to enjoy too. Go do it!

Now, YAY ME!

I just had to brag a little. No, I had to brag a lot.

6 INCHES GONE from my waist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6 jean sizes later!!!!!!!!!

*** I had lost before I bought this belt, But, I don't know how many inches. I didn't measure :(
 I also had him poke two more holes in it before this one today. I wish I had wrote those dates down........

Forgive me for bragging. I do hope this helps some of you find strength in yourself today. I helped me to get my mind back in order with my own health.  Let's do this.


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Fibro Doesn't Stop For Pop Tarts

My week:

 Wake up, not feeling so hot. Push through. Clean my room. No biggee. Like a normal person.

  Wake up, still not up to par. Push through. Cook supper for the rest of the week and made Supper for a sick friend and her family. No biggee. Like a normal person.

  Wake up, still a little yucky. Push through. Go eat lunch with my amazing friend. (Something that I had been trying to do for a week now and haven't because I have felt so bad.) No biggee. Like a normal person.

3:00 comes...... Not doing well.
4:00 comes...... Kase is asleep on the couch, sick. Me, I'm tired. No biggee. Like a normal person.
5:00 comes...... I'm "Exhausted". I go lay down.
6:00 comes...... I wake up from my alarm. Check on Kase. He is still asleep. Has fever. I go to bed.
7:00 comes...... I get up come back to check on Kase. Still asleep. I sit beside him and rub his sweet
                         little head. ( I know he is 16, I don't care)
8:00 comes...... I'm crying my eyes out. I'M "EXHAUSTED". I text B. Warn him. Warn him about 
                        what he is coming home to. Warn him that I'm the kind of "exhausted" that has put me    
                        in the hospital three times now. You see "exhausted" is our keyword."Exhausted"means
                        I'm in trouble. Something is going on with my body that I'm not real sure of. This could
                        be the result of a normal everyday common cold. It could mean that my thyroid levels
                        are out of this world. (they have been normal for a month now, they have NEVER been
                        normal. NEVER) So, who knows what is wrong.

                        I can't breathe. No, it hurts my body to breathe. My breaths get shorter and my energy
                        goes away with each one. Normally, this is a three to four day duration I go through. I          
                        don't go to the hospital anymore. They just want to run test that I don't have money for
                        and give me meds that I'm not going to take. (I have tried them ALL.) That is another
                        post, another day.

                        So, you are wondering if I'm in so much pain and I'm so "exhausted" that I can't
                        breathe, why am I  still up?


Does that answer your question?
Fibro doesn't stop for Pop Tarts.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

imperfect me.

So here it is. 

Real Life ME. 

No make up. 

No enhancers. 

No filters. 

 I saw this card today while I was doing my amazing new Snapbooking and, I just started to ponder on those words. Real life. 

 In Facebook world I think we sometimes forget about real life. It's become a place to show off our new cars, how awesome our children are and how wonderful a mom we are. Well, I don't read too many post about getting up late on Sunday morning, screaming at the children, trying to get out the 
door. Everyone ill on the way to services. 

Then, BOOM. 

Pull up to the door and that smile goes on like its painted by "The Joker." 

 Well, you may be joking everyone around you, but your husband and children know what just happened. After services you get back into the car and everyone goes back in to unhappy mode. You've had that day. I've had many of them. 

 I sure didn't plaster that on my sweet little organized oh so cute Facebook page though. 

 Nope. I wouldn't want people to ever know that I had a bad day. That I was a "mean" Mom. That I made a MISTAKE. Forbid I tell the world that. 

 Well, dear Facebook world. 


Ask the Hubs.
Ask the kids.
Ask my Mom! (Yeah Mom went through a lot! I was a horrible kid.)Sorry Mom. Really, SORRY. 

 Let me stop and say this.  I'm so thankful to God that he made me realize how special I was and that I could be a better person than what I ever imagined possible. Not perfect, better. Believe me, my life was protected by Him many times. I'm very thankful for Christ's  love for me and him putting B in my life to help me see my life's worth. 

 Now, several years ago I realized that when I was more "real", it made people more comfortable with being who they are. They were more open to accepting Christ, because they felt that HE didn't need perfection from us. He needed repentance. Guess what, repentance sometimes takes time.

 When B came back to Christ, he had a "cussing notebook." He wrote down every time he said a cuss word. Everyday, that list got shorter and shorter until one day he didn't say any at all. Several people reminded him in this process that he had repented and they mocked and ridiculed him for it.

God knows a repentance heart. We don't. Do not kick a Christian when they are down. DO NOT. 

 We have this horrible, horrible misconception that we need to be "flawless" to be good Christians. You are only setting yourself up for failure it that is the case. You will always think you are not good enough. You will think you can't teach others about Christ because you are still trying to learn more about Him yourself. 

 Repeat after me. "I AM GOOD ENOUGH." 

 Repeat after me, "Others are going to judge me no matter what I do." 

Repeat after me, "Christ opinion of me matters. No body else's does." 

So, let's join in on this "real life" together and when you look at me,  don't pull out your little notebook to write down everything that is wrong about me. (I already know, but thanks!) Come get me, hold my hand, and help me get to that Promise Land that we are all striving for. 

 Because, if you know anything about me, you know that's how I feel about YOU.