Do The Holidays Have You Feeling A Little Frazzled?
Boy, do I understand! I'm right here with ya! Do not give up hope! You have this under control! I promise!
I wanted to start the new year with a goal. A goal that I had not accomplished before and one that could help others as well. So, I decided that I would try to help others get organized this year while I am working on these same things for my own life. Basically, I'm just going to share them with you!
I'm no expert. At anything. I just like to find solutions for problems!
When I thought of all of the things that I wanted to work on this year, I always thought of finances first. I know, It's an ugly word. FINANCES. Even uglier... DEBT! Let's just go ahead and face it. Say it out loud! It is not forbidden to talk about. It is REAL! The good thing is, if we have debt, luckily we can fix it.
I am going to offer some ideas and links that can possibly help you to organize your Debt and to get the "Financial Freedom That You Deserve"- Dave Ramsey
(I just really like saying that phrase! TEE HEE!)
The first thing we will do is talk about the debt snowball. I'm going to break this down as much as possible. Here are the basics steps.
1) Save $1,000-
This is your EMERGENCY Fund. That means that it is only to be used during emergencies!!!
2) Debt Snowball- PAY OFF ALL DEBT
List all of your debts and start with the one that you owe the least on. Work until you pay it off. Putting as much extra money on it as you possibly can. Once it is paid, go to the next one on your list. You will add the money that you were once paying on that debt, to the next one on your list. SNOWBALL!!!!!! (This is where being organized comes in!) I am going to share several links with you to help you with this process.
Once all debt is paid:
3) Save Three months worth of your income.
Once that is saved:
4) Invest
This is the Dave Ramsey Philosophy. It is possible. People do it everyday!
Now, you have to start this process somewhere. And, being organized with it is a must. I'm going to offer you the most simple ways that I could find.
Here is a sample booklet of a budget format that you can use. There are so many out there but, I found ones that were simple and cute! Because, I like cute! And, simple. Now, just like anything else, it looks overwhelming at first. Do you remember how it was when you started learning how to ride a bike? Did you jump right on and take off? Probably not. It took focus, practice, and the willingness to fail and get back up. BE A KID AGAIN! HAHA.
This is the main one I am focusing on. Oh, and ignore the 2014! |
After your debt list is made, you are going to allocate the cash that you have left to use for your living expenses.
This is what Dave calls the "Envelope System"! An envelope system is designating your CASH that you spend on your everyday items and dividing it into "envelopes". (a.k.a. Groceries $400, Gas $200, Eating Out $100, Gifts $50) Whatever you spend your money on. Do not lie to yourself. If you eat out, give yourself money for that. Be realistic. Be specific.
The goal here is to live on less and and to put what you can into your debt. Now, I do not use an individual envelope like this. I've have tried that. I've tried another wallet (in addition to my regular wallet). I have tried the big thick plastic filing dividers..... If they make it, I HAVE TRIED IT!
Here is what I use now!
This one is not mine! But I adore the green! Here is mine!
This is my version of my "envelope system". I searched and searched for something to use WITH my existing wallet. A girl only wants one wallet in her bag! Seriously! These are customizable to your own needs. WHAT??? I love these! (They were even part of my Christmas gifts!) You can print your own here I copied mine onto card stock and then laminated them. I want them to last! |
You can divide your cash in the front pocket! |
These are the ones I used before.
Can you see how worn out they are?
Okay, I know what you are thinking. That you aren't spending money, how can you buy a wallet? I'm going to tell you! During this year, I am going to share with you several ways to save money. One of them is going to involve the company I work for. The number one way is to join my company, of course! You can earn extra money by helping to train women to build their own business. The number two way is going to be to join my Hostess of The Month Club. WHY, you ask? HOW will I save money you ask? Let me tell you. The purpose of the HOM Club is to buy the gifts that you already need at a discounted price. You are going to spread out these gifts so that they do not all pop up at once. My company offers sales every month. This "All About The Benjamins Wallet" is on sale for $20 (normally $48) this month with your purchase of a $35 item. I just saw your hair stand up! You are saving $28 on the regular wallet price. Which means that you are only paying $7 for another gift. Where else can you buy a $35 gift for $7? These deals are each month. I have been a part of a HOM club for three years now. I have used the products to simplify my life, organize my home and for awesome gifts! I still give gifts. I will always give gifts! Let's be realistic!
I will show you my gift list soon. It is good to have a list. It is good to know what you need to buy ahead of time so that you aren't spending friviuosly the day before your BFF's birthday!
Be Intentional!
Those are my key words this year! Be intentional with your spending, giving, loving, caring, your everything!
I hope that these ideas are useful.